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Defending constitutional freedoms


CCF in P.E.I. defending councillor sanctioned for political expression

CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. – The Canadian Constitution Foundation will be in the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island on Thursday arguing a motion to convince the Court to hear its application for judicial review of a decision to sanction a councillor for his political expression. John Robertson is a councillor in Murray Harbour, P.E.I. In 2021, Robertson purchased an old wooden

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In this video Christine gives her perspective on whether or not Trudeau’s decision to prorogue parliament can be challenged in court. The Canadian Constitution Foundation is

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With the help of a talented network of lawyers, the CCF litigates against unconstitutional and unlawful government action.


By drawing attention to important issues, the CCF defends constitutional freedoms by making sure unconstitutional government action doesn't go unnoticed by the public.


Through projects such as the Runnymede Society and, the CCF provides important resources to lawyers, students and the academy.


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