Not Reserving Judgment Episode 72: Are anti-immigrant signs hate crimes? Plus a LOSS in our B.C. vaccine card challenge.

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Episode 72: Are anti-immigrant signs hate crimes? Plus a LOSS in our B.C. vaccine card challenge. On Episode 72, we tell you about our loss in a challenge to B.C.'s COVID-19 vaccine card program; we discuss the Supreme Court's decision to hear a legal challenge to Quebec's ban on religious…

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Not Reserving Judgment Episode 71: Can Alberta legally secede? Plus, your tax dollars fund pro-carbon tax litigants

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Episode 71: Can Alberta legally secede? Plus, your tax dollars fund pro-carbon tax litigants. On Episode 71, we explore the constitutionality of Alberta seceding from Canada, we update you on several of the cases that we're working on, we tell you why Meta's new policy doesn't promote hate speech, and…

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Not Reserving Judgment Episode 70: Vaccine lawsuit dismissed as ‘outlandish.’ Plus, Canada ranks 2nd-last on healthcare

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Episode 70: Vaccine lawsuit dismissed as 'outlandish.' Plus, Canada ranks 2nd-last on healthcare On Episode 70, we tell you about some tiny steps B.C. and Alberta are taking toward free trade; we discuss a new report that ranks Canada’s health care as second-last among peers, and we tell you about…

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