Press Releases
- Canadian Constitution Foundation looking forward to appeal of trial decision in Cambie litigation
- CCF releases documents showing massive 24 to 75 per cent reduction in Ontario surgeries
- Grading our Leaders: Respect for the constitution during the COVID-19 crisis
- CCF disappointed that BC government will continue to hide the taxpayer costs of fighting against patient rights
- CCF advocacy has resulted in suspension of unconstitutional Yarmouth sign bylaw
- Yarmouth election-sign ban illegal, self-serving
- CCF calls on Yarmouth City Council to repeal unconstitutional election sign bylaw
- Canadian Constitution Foundation analyzes the constitutionality of B.C.’s new vaping regulations
- Ontario’s new COVID-19 bill is an assault on our rights
- CCF raises concerns about mandatory masks order
- CCF denounces Elections Ontario decision about anti-strike ads
- Appeal of decision about government spending on patient choice case to be heard today
- Canadian Constitution Foundation announces new Litigation Director
- Canadian Constitution Foundation releases constitutional analysis of Canadian vaping laws
- CCF to intervene in Supreme Court hearing on cruel and unusual punishment and corporations
- Alberta Court of Appeal relies on CCF’s Comeau case to dismantle provincial trade barrier
- Supreme Court of Canada protects the right to publicly express controversial opinions
- Ontario Court of Appeal decides correctly in Toronto municipal elections case
- Canadian Constitution Foundation launches constitutional challenge against elections censorship law
- Canadian Constitution Foundation intervening in Strom appeal hearing
- BC Government successfully prevents taxpayers from knowing how much it’s spending fighting against patient rights
- CCF granted intervener status to defend Saskatchewan nurse’s free speech
- Canadian Constitution Foundation intervening in Toronto municipal election case
- BC government opposes financial transparency while seeking to present secret evidence to the court
- Freedom to express controversial political views on trial at Supreme Court of Canada
- Announcing the new National Director of the Runnymede Society
- Announcing our new Executive Director: Joanna Baron
- Provinces must create a ‘New Canadian Partnership’ for trade says new paper
- CCF takes aim at Alberta’s unconstitutional beer policy
- Premiers and Prime Minister meeting this week to discuss interprovincial free trade
- Alberta to sue Ontario over interprovincial trade barrier, but will fail to meet its own deadline for responding to trade panel ruling
- BC Court grants injunction in landmark healthcare Charter case
- BC goes to court to hide costs of landmark healthcare trial from the public
- Celebrated Toronto Attorney Murray Klippenstein joins Charter challenge against the Law Society of Ontario as a co-applicant
- Huge victory against civil forfeiture as Ontario agrees to compensate innocent couple for seizing their properties
- Injunction filed in Cambie Surgery Centre case: a showdown in the fight for patient choice!
- New ranking of provincial liquor laws: Ontario least free; Manitoba tops list
- Decision: Big win for the Canadian Constitution Foundation and Artisan Ales!
- Resounding victory for freedom of association of private bodies from the Supreme Court of Canada
- R. v. Comeau: The beer is still not free – Supreme Court of Canada gives provinces leeway to restrict trade within Canada
- Constitution Day 2018: Good news for free trade, healthcare choice; bad news for judicial activism; mixed news for free speech
- LSUC moves to delay “Statement of Principles” Charter challenge
- Appeal Panel public hearing over Alberta government’s ‘tax and refund’ policy for beer today (Jan 25)
- Artisan Ales files appeal factum in dispute over unconstitutional beer tax and refund scheme
- Charter Challenge to Law Society’s mandatory Statement of Principles takes on new urgency
- Amended Application filed in support of Charter challenge to Law Society’s mandatory Statement of Principles
- Canadian Constitution Foundation supports challenge to Law Society’s personal Statement of Principles
- Beer Freedom in the Supreme Court: Gérard Comeau’s factum filed in R. v. Comeau
- CCF granted intervener status in Supreme Court freedom of association case
- Beer Freedom and Free Trade: New Brunswick Crown files factum in R. v. Comeau
- Decision: Alberta’s discriminatory beer tax violates Agreement on Internal Trade
- CCF supporting Karen MacKinnon in free speech case
- Hearing Scheduled To Fight Alberta Government’s Unconstitutional Barrier To Trade
- Beer Freedom and Free Trade: R. v. Comeau heading to the Supreme Court of Canada!
- Supreme Court To Hear CCF-Supported Case On Freedom Of Religion And Freedom Of Association
- Access to Timely Medical Care Threatened By Lack of Funds for Charter Challenge
- Media Roundtable on Vaping, Regulation and the Law
- Constitution Day: Good News For Property Rights, Bilingualism; Bad News For Free Speech, The Senate.
- Is The Alberta Government Extending Unconstitutional Tax-And-Refund Scheme To Distilleries?
- Canadian Constitution Foundation Report Reveals Major Problems with Canadian Vaping Laws
- Beer Freedom And Free Trade, R. V. Comeau In The Supreme Court Of Canada
- Why Is The BC Government Muzzling Health Minister Terry Lake?
- Canadian Constitution Foundation Creates Resource for Expert Testimony in Cambie Clinic Healthcare Case
- CCF’s Intervention In Supreme Court Of Canada “Right To Jury Trial” Case
- CCF’s Annual “Law And Freedom” Conference Line-Up Announced
- New Case Highlights Unconstitutional Abuse Of Ontario’s Civil Forfeiture Laws
- CCF’s “Beer Freedom” Case May Be Headed To The Supreme Court Of Canada
- Jones / Schmidt Case — Assumes a favourable result for clients
- Canadian Governments Cannot Erect Needless Barriers to Harm Reduction
- Statement from the Canadian Constitution Foundation on Canada’s Proposed Extradition Treaty with China
- Financial Post Recognizes Alberta Beer Tax Rebate is not Constitutionally Complaint
- Today! Cambie Clinic and Patient Plaintiffs finally get their day in court to fight for access to healthcare
- CCF Fights For The Rights Of British Columbians Suffering On Health Care Waiting Lists
- CCF Responds To Misinformation About Cambie Litigation From Jane Philpott
- Official Complaint Initiated In Defence Of Interprovincial Trade Rights
- Bruce and Donna Montague reach settlement that saves their home
- New Alberta Brewers Subsidy is an Unconstitutional Trade Barrierm
- New Alberta Subsidy for Brewers Still Unconstitutional
- Canadian Constitution Foundation Case Highlighted in the Economist Magazine
- Premiers’ Online Wine Sale Proposal Disregards Consumers’ and Producers’ Constitutional Rights
- Canadian Constitution Foundation Announces Change in Executive Leadership
- Victory: New Brunswick Court Strikes Down Unconstitutional Law Limiting Import of Liquor
- Civil Forfeiture in Canada 2015-2016
- CCF Announces the New Position and Hire of a Runnymede Society Director
- Media Advisory: Beer Challenge Opens in NB Court August 25
- Disappearing sheep case continues, under publication ban
- Supreme Court of Canada Denies Canadians’ Right to Strong Presumption of Innocence
- The CCF is crowd funding for freedom
- CCF Release: Heritage designation contradicts true heritage
- CCF TV Ad Raises Awareness of Court Challenge to Health Care Monopoly
- CCF Tackles New Brunswick’s Prohibition on Interprovincial Alcohol Sales
- CCF Press Release: SCC denies leave to appeal in Montague criminal forfeiture case
- CCF Press Release: Court challenge will help BC patients get better health care
- Canadian Constitution Foundation granted intervener status in Guindon v. the Queen
- Canadian Constitution Foundation Asks Supreme Court of Canada to Hear Criminal Forfeiture Case
- Local Charity Set to fight for Private Property Rights in Picton
- Court Ruling Sets Back Property Rights For Canadians
- The Fate of Bruce Montague’s Life Savings
- Media Advisory: Supreme Court of Canada to hear Arguments on “Right to Strike”
- Book Release: Ideology And Dysfunction In Family Law
- Press Release: BC Supreme Court Chews Out CRA for Abusing Its Power
- Press Release: Ontario Court of Appeal Dismisses Raw Milk Appeal
- Press Release: CCF To Welcome Marni Soupcoff As New Executive Director
- Campaign Launch: Term Limits for Supreme Court of Canada Judges
- Tax Crusader Irvin Leroux Gets Day in Court
- Press Release: Court Orders CRA to Answer Questions on Corruption
- Media Advisory: Taxpayer Irvin Leroux returns to court
- Supreme Court Slams Door Shut on Free Speech in Whatcott Case
- Press Release: Having to treat some more equally than others could wreck havoc on government programs
- Persons Day: New study says 1929 Persons case is no authority for “progressive” interpretation of Constitution
- Nisga’a Treaty Challenge at BC Court of Appeal
- Press Release: CRA Renews Attempt to Quash Taxpayer Leroux’s Lawsuit
- Media Advisory: Raw Milk Farmer Michael Schmidt in Court of Appeal on July 26
- Press Release: Restrictions on access to health services Cambie Clinic provide violate Charter rights of BC patients
- Press Release: Shepherd Seeking Lost Sheep—and Judicial Review for CFIA Destruction Order
- Media Advisory: Michael Schmidt’s day in court postponed to July
- Press Release: Canadian Constitution Foundation to celebrate 30th Anniversary of Charter with launch of
- Press Release: CCF Condemns Illegal Actions of Sheep-napper
- Media Advisory — Demonstration Planned to Protest Slaughter of Sheep
- Press Release — CFIA Orders Slaughter of 41 Apparently Healthy Heritage Sheep
- Press Release: Canadians woefully uninformed about Constitution and Charter as “Constitution Day” approaches on March 29th
- Media Advisory: Canadian Constitution Foundation to argue for Tax Payer Rights at Supreme Court of Canada
- Press Release: CCF Will Defend Backyard Chicken Owners
- Media Advisory – Canadian Constitution Foundation to argue for free speech at Ontario Court of Appeal
- Media Advisory: Raw Milk Farmer Michael Schmidt’s Sentencing Hearing Nov. 25
- Press Release: Study finds Albertans besieged by property regulations
- Press Release: CCF to assist Dr. Brian Day defend the Charter rights of patients in BC
- Press release: Nisga’a “Chief Mountain” Will Appeal to BC Court of Appeal
- Press Release: Taxpayer Irvin Leroux wins another round in court against CRA
- Media Advisory: BC businessman suing CRA for damages back before BC Court
- Media Advisory: BC Court to Release Decision Determining Validity of Nisga’a Agreement
- Media Advisory: Canadian Constitution Foundation to defend free speech at Supreme Court of Canada
- Press Release: Raw Milk Farmer Suffers Setback, Vows to Continue Fighting
- Media Update: Court Delays Raw Milk Decision – Again
- Media Advisory: Raw Milk Decision Expected Tuesday, September 27
- Media Update: Schmidt raw milk decision to be delayed
- Media Advisory: Raw Milk Decision Expected on Friday September 16
- Media Advisory: Michael Schmidt Back in Court over Raw Milk
- Press Release: CCF defending freedom of expression: Mandatory bilingual sign bylaw unconstitutional