The CCF is a registered charity. Our charitable registration number is: 86617 6654 RR0001
Donations to the CCF are used to support all of our charitable activities and operations unless specifically earmarked on their face or by accompanying written message indicating they are to be used to support a specific case or project. Donations earmarked for a specific case or project will be allocated to pay for legal fees and costs related to that case or project and to the CCF’s costs associated with overseeing, managing, and communicating with respect to that case or project. While the CCF will allocate earmarked funds received accordingly, for a number of reasons, including the unpredictability of litigation, it is possible that some earmarked funds may remain unspent at the conclusion of a case or project. If at the conclusion of a case or project there are earmarked funds remaining, those funds may be allocated to the CCF’s other charitable activities and operations in our sole discretion.