The Canadian healthcare system is in a state of perilous collapse. It’s time to talk seriously about ideas for reform in the 21st century.
On October 19th, join a panel of experts at the Albany Club in downtown Toronto who will discuss an upcoming Supreme Court challenge to strike down the nation’s private health care ban, other policy solutions that could improve our system and most importantly – how we finally move forward with reform.
The evening will include networking with drinks and hors d’oeuvres, a panel discussion, and Q&A.
This event is presented by the Canadian Constitution Foundation and
October 19th, 6:00pm – 7:30 pm
Albany Club, Toronto
Albany Club, Toronto
Registration: $150. Tax-deductible receipts provided.
- Joanna Baron, Executive Director, Canadian Constitution Foundation
- Dr. Brian Day, President and CEO, Cambie Surgery Centre
- Andrew Enns, Executive Vice-President, Leger
- Tony Clement, former federal Minister of Health