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Thank you so much for supporting healthcare freedom by visiting this website or sharing your healthcare story with us.
It’s become clear that the only way forward is for Canadians to stand up for patient rights and force change from below.
Unfortunately, the Supreme Court of Canada refused leave in our first Healthcare Freedom case in British Columbia and left important questions about patient rights in Canada unanswered.
But Freedom's Defence Team, the Canadian Constitution Foundation, isn't giving up.
The B.C. government is demanding that the CCF and its partners pay $1.7 million dollars to cover some of the legal bills they racked up fighting against Canadians’ rights. To put that amount into perspective, the Canadian Constitution Foundation spent less than $2.1 million on all of our work (including ALL of our cases, special projects and events) in the last fiscal year.
We’re fighting this ridiculous shake down and appreciate any support you can provide.
After this B.C. costs case is dealt with, any extra money we raise on this website will go towards a new case fighting for healthcare freedom.
Provincial laws in Canada that violate the right to security of person are still open to a challenge if they prevent Canadians from getting healthcare in a timely manner. It’s unconstitutional, unjust and inhumane to deny Canadians this basic right if the public monopoly forces them to suffer on waiting lists.
We know it’s only a matter of time before patient rights win in court.
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