The Canadian Constitution Foundation is assisting a freelance investigative journalist in his appeal of a decision by Ontario Power Generation (OPG) to deny him access to records about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) and Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) detected at or near nuclear power plants.
To assist with his reporting, Otis has made more than 200 requests under federal and provincial freedom of information laws to agencies like the Department of National Defence, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and the Royal Canadian Air Force. Historically, these agencies have nearly always provided the records requested with information that poses a security risk blacked out.
But last year, OPG denied Otis’s request under Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act (FIPPA) to provide records of UAP detected near Ontario’s nuclear power plants. Otis had sought the records after receiving an anonymous tip. While records were identified, OPG refused to provide copies, at first citing an exemption in FIPPA that says records shall not be disclosed if disclosure could reasonably be expected to seriously threaten the safety or health of an individual.
It is essential in a free society that journalists and the public at large are able to access information entitled to them under Canada’s freedom of information laws. Ontario’s freedom of information law is clear that the public has a right to access information from public institutions and exemptions must be limited and specific. Mr. Otis has been more than reasonable in his request. He simply wants those parts of the documents that are not exempt from disclosure so that he can do his job and inform the public about the UFOs that have been reported at or near OPG’s nuclear plants.
We are currently awaiting a hearing date.
Freedom of Information case (UAPs and UFOs)

CCF Launch: November 27, 2023
Jurisdiction: Ontario
Status: Ongoing
Next Key Date: Awaiting a hearing.
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