Heritage Committee: I was attacked by a Liberal politician for defending free speech

Heritage Committee: I was attacked by a Liberal politician for defending free speech

On October 30, Christine from the Canadian Constitution Foundation appeared at the Heritage Committee to give expert witness testimony about the right to freedom of expression in Canada.

You can watch my opening remarks here: https://x.com/cvangeyn/status/1852028313692168511

After I gave my opening remarks, I took questions from members of the committee from different political parties.

The Liberal MP used his question time to ask me:

  1. Do I support abortion?
  2. Do I support a Niqab ban?
  3. What do I think of trans kids?
  4. Do I support using the N word!?

I have a forthcoming book about freedom of expression, the fascinating history of the right and its history dating back to ancient days and the modern challenges. The Liberal member used his time to make the most unconnected, bizarre partisan attacks imaginable.

These are not serious people, they are not curious about the foundations of this right or the role it plays in democracy. Their lack of interest in this right explains why this federal government has advanced some of the most censorious pieces of legislation in modern Canadian history, like C11, C18 and C63.

These guys need to learn more about the right to free expression so I’ll be sending them a copy of my book when it comes out in December. You can register for advance notice of the release, the first 10 people to sign up will get a free electronic copy of the book

Register here: https://theccf.ca/FreeSpeechInCanada/

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