Episode 10: Why did the Supreme Court smack down Trudeau’s assessment act?

On Episode 10 of Not Reserving Judgment, we discuss how the Impact Assessment Act decision is a big win for Alberta; we explain why the Ontario legislature can censure MPP Sarah Jama despite her freedom of expression; and we update you on the travel ban challenge led by former Newfoundland Premier Brian Peckford and PPC Leader Maxime Bernier.

Stories and cases discussed in this week’s episode:

  • Reference re Impact Assessment Act (Supreme Court of Canada)
  • Sarah Jama’s statement on Israel (X.com)
  • Censure motion regarding Sarah Jama (OLA)
  • New Brunswick Broadcasting Co. v. Nova Scotia (Speaker of the House) (SCC)
  • Travel Vaccine Mandate Challengers in Court to Contest Previous Mootness Ruling (Epoch Times)
  • CCF to appear in court TODAY in appeal of decision that found math test for teachers discriminatory (CCF)
  • No, the Supreme Court ruling on federal environmental law is not good for business (Globe and Mail)
  • Mélanie Jolie’s post (X.com)
  • François-Philippe Champagne’s post (X.com)
  • After Supreme Court’s decision, Ottawa must urgently refocus its climate policy (Globe and Mail)

Not Reserving Judgment is a podcast hosted by Josh Dehaas, Joanna Baron, and Christine Van Geyn brought to you by the Canadian Constitution Foundation.

You can find Not Reserving Judgment on Apple, Spotify, Google, YouTube, and wherever else you find your podcasts. You can also stream it directly from the show’s website.