CCF determined to continue Cambie case in fight for patient rights

CCF determined to continue Cambie case in fight for patient rights

“Access to a waiting list is not access to care.”

This phrase by the Supreme Court of Canada in the 2005 Chaoulli decision (par 123), perhaps more than any other line, expressed what the right to seek healthcare access should mean in Canada. And what applies in Quebec should apply to all of Canada since that phrase was used in reference to s. 7 of the Canadian Charter. We continue to agree with the Supreme Court’s words on this issue—and that’s why we’re determined to continue supporting the Healthcare Freedom case and bring it all the way to Supreme Court if we have to. We will fight on, as we know our supporters will too.

Please consider donating today in support of this future action. Funds donated to the CCF today for this cause are eligible for a charitable receipt and will be put towards helping us pay for the appeal process.