Going forward with the fight for healthcare freedom

Going forward with the fight for healthcare freedom

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The CCF’s Christine Van Geyn recently appeared in a SecondStreet.org video with Colin Craig to discuss the Cambie case after its trial court decision.

The trial judge in BC found that current prohibitions on private care violated section 7 of the Charter but were consistent with the principles of “fundamental justice”. The CCF strongly disagrees with this decision, and sees it as a departure from the legal reasoning used by the Supreme Court of Canada in Chaoulli. How can it be “fundamentally just” for patients to wait and suffer for the sake of a system more restrictive than any other country with government healthcare? This is precisely why we’re eager to see the Supreme Court clarify section 7 rights, and the right of all Canadians to seek out healthcare. And we promise to keep our followers updated with this appeal process.

In the meantime, aside from the above video, check out the Canadian Taxpayers Federation’s podcast episode #25, also featuring Christine, discussing more on this recent decision.