Not Reserving Judgment Episode 70: Vaccine lawsuit dismissed as ‘outlandish.’ Plus, Canada ranks 2nd-last on healthcare

Not Reserving Judgment Episode 70: Vaccine lawsuit dismissed as ‘outlandish.’ Plus, Canada ranks 2nd-last on healthcare

Episode 70: Vaccine lawsuit dismissed as 'outlandish.' Plus, Canada ranks 2nd-last on healthcare

On Episode 70, we tell you about some tiny steps B.C. and Alberta are taking toward free trade; we discuss a new report that ranks Canada’s health care as second-last among peers, and we tell you about a vaccine mandate lawsuit dismissed for its “outlandish” claims.

Stories and cases discussed in this week’s episode:

Not Reserving Judgment is a podcast about Canadian constitutional law hosted by Josh Dehaas, Joanna Baron, and Christine Van Geyn. The show is brought to you by the Canadian Constitution Foundation, a non-partisan legal charity dedicated to defending rights and freedoms. To support our work, you can donate to the CCF here.

You can find Not Reserving Judgment on Apple, Spotify, Google, YouTube, and wherever else you find your podcasts. You can also stream it directly from the show’s website.