Not content with merely investigating Quebec businesses, the Office québécois de la langue française are now looking into hospitals in Montreal, with even language use by healthcare workers in operating rooms being questioned according to the Montreal Gazette.
Do you think this goes too far?
Check out the other stories we’ve been following this week:
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- Kids’ Ad Ban Deferred Again
- The Supreme Court is set to decide our future. Why won’t the justices hear what we have to say?
- Randall Denley: Government health-care rationing in Ontario continues, for no good reason
- Jewish groups win court victory over Ottawa’s block on kosher slaughter
- Take Back Alberta founder facing contempt of court allegations
- Federal funding cut for residential school searches ‘disheartening’ and ‘disrespectful’: Manitoba chiefs
- B.C. may have rescinded COVID restrictions, but questions remain
- Employment lawyer to probe appointment of human rights chief accused of anti-Israel record
- Liberal ministers rebuke premiers, tell them to ‘enforce the law’ on bail for violent offenders
- French-language inspectors are cracking down on Montreal hospitals
- Three arrested as anti-oil activists disrupt Montreal airport for third straight day
- Yellowknifers could soon need to pay $2,500 to appeal a development — up from $25